
III. Florida Senate removes ‘worst of the worst’ from bad water bill as result of uncompromising public pressure

Captains For Clean Water rallies public action through 40,000 petition signatures, 1,200 phone calls, and 2 trips to Tallahassee

On February 17, an amendment to SB 2508 was approved in the Senate with a 37-2 vote, but that does not mean that the bill has passed into law. 

Some of the most harmful language in the bill pertaining to the Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) and EAA Reservoir funding has been removed due to the massive amount of public outcry in opposition to the legislation.

That’s exactly why this type of budget process should not be used for major policy changes—it limits opportunity for analysis and stifles public engagement. As Governor DeSantis highlighted in his official statement, “SB 2508 is being rammed through the budget process and short-circuiting public engagement.”

Captains For Clean Water (Captains) has ensured the voice of the public is heard loud and clear by Florida's lawmakers. Since our testimony at the Senate Committee meeting last week, our petition has doubled to 40,000 signatures plus over 1,200 Floridians have called their senators in the two days leading up to the full Senate vote.

"Make no mistake, our opposition to Senate Bill 2508 remains. Even with this new amendment, SB 2508 is still a net negative for Florida’s environment and waterways. This legislation codifies the South Florida Water Management District’s (SFWMD) decades-old 40E rules that prioritize agricultural water supply interests over reducing harmful discharges," explains Capt. Daniel Andrews, Captains For Clean Water Executive Director.

"While we are appreciative of the removal of several harmful provisions, other harmful measures remain in the legislation along with “take it or leave it” language in the budget that attempts to force passage of 2508 and block the veto."


The outdoor industry has shown up in force, standing shoulder to shoulder with Captains For Clean Water in opposition of SB 2508. 

Over 100 fishing guides, outdoor brands, boat manufacturers and clean water advocates from across the country gathered in front of the State Capitol on February 17 to protest SB 2508 before the full Senate vote. In attendance were Hell's Bay Boatworks, Costa Sunglasses, Shimano, Hubbard's Marina, Skinny Water Culture, MeatEater, and Flylords, just to name a few.

Global brands like YETI, Patagonia, 4Ocean and Simms, supported through their social media channels, sharing Captains petition earlier in the week and getting their message in front of millions more followers. Across the country, Save Bristol Bay sent emails and also rallied support on social media.


Next, the bill will go to the budget conference between the House and Senate. Up to this point, the Senate and the House have been working separately on their own proposed budgets. Now, they’ll come together to construct a combined budget for the state that will eventually be proposed to the Governor at the end of legislative session.

Legislative session goes through March 11th and more mischief can happen between now and then. Captains For Clean Water is fully engaged with this issue and readying the troops to turn up the heat.


Our supporters will continue to stay loud, keep the pressure on policymakers, and fight to defeat SB 2508.  

Sign our petition to voice your opposition to Senate Bill 2508 and help protect Florida’s waters against this bad bill.


For information and interview requests, contact Alycia Downs, Director of Education & Awareness, alycia@captainsforcleanwater.org.